How to increase potency in men?

How to increase potency in men

The relationship with the opposite sex, are of great importance for any man. It's not a coincidence that the emergence of problems with potency often accompanies the drop in self-esteem. It is important, therefore, to timely take measures to correct the erectile dysfunction in men.

The symptoms of loss of power

After more than 50 years ago, men didn't notice the onset of any difficulties in the intimate sphere. This is understandable, due to changes arising from old age, sooner or later, it will apply to all of you. To aggravate the situation to such factors as the presence of the disease, with the duration of the chronic, and the subsequent purchase of the drug. Often, at this age, there is a hormonal imbalance that prevents sexual activity.

The presence of a problem with the power is revealed in these moments of anxiety:

  1. the decrease in sexual desire;

  2. premature ejaculation, and is associated with a reduction in the length of the intimate proximity;

  3. the weakness of erection during intercourse;

  4. the loss of erection, early in the morning.

Some of the men, perceiving to such negative changes, it is easy to see the problem with allowing it on too much work and stress. Others, however, see the situation solely in the light and dark and they feel helpless. And the other is wrong. It is a disease, such as erectile dysfunction, it is necessary, and it can be treated. And so, for therapy, for prevention, you can use the tools in the capsules. When the first concerns about sexual impotence, you should consult with an expert. After the examination the physician will set an individual treatment plan. It can be combined with the successful application of a drug or pharmaceutical products. If you do not postpone a visit to your physician, and do not carry the disease, it may be in the short-term to recover to the previous quality of the erection.

How to improve the power

The very first thing that it's worth it to think of a man, with the weakening of erectile function, it's a lifestyle change. First, you will need to review the way we eat. The abundance in the diet of fats from animal sources and from food, smoking put a strain on your liver, it's the lack of fiber intake leading to constipation and chronic, and the self-poisoning of the body. However, the lack of vitamins makes a person lazy. Here, not only for the sex, just surviving is going to be.

Even by changing just the one joint that are used in the food, you can achieve the results that you want. The man, at any age, you will need the following components from the power supply:

  • boiled or roasted meat, as a source of protein;

  • different kinds of nuts;

  • the red of the fish and the fruits of the sea.

  • honey - if you do not have allergies;

  • fresh herbs in all of its forms.

  • the season - fresh fruits and vegetables.

With the use of hot drinks, you have to give. From the abundance of alcohol, the most destructive, affecting erectile function and beer. The craze for them, it leads to hormonal failure. The male body is increasing the production of the female hormone estrogen, which inhibits testosterone, and void of the desire to have sex. With the great help you have a treatment for sexual weakness and therapeutic exercise. The implementation of special complex of exercises will help to remove the stagnation of blood in the region of the groin, and it will help you to solve your problem. With all the recommendations of your doctor, you can achieve the desired goals and to enjoy life in all its manifestations.